Depletion of major blood proteins is one of the most promising approaches to accessing low-abundance biomarkers. This study compared the use of combinatorial peptide ligand library (CPLL) and albumin and immunoglobulins (IgGs) depletion technology for accessing these low-abundance proteins in plasma using 2-DE in an acidic restricted pH range (4-7). Compared with native plasma, both techniques enlarge the visibility of other proteins than albumin and IgG, but there were marked differences in their composition. An increase of the number of spots was detected compared with native plasma (157 spots) with 427 and 557 spots, respectively, detected with albumin and IgG depletion, and CPLL treatment. We selected 70 spots to be identified by MALDI-TOF related to their absence in the 2-D gels from native or albumin and IgG-depleted plasma. The 42 spots identified corresponded to 24 different proteins, with more than half of the proteins which did not belong to the major plasma proteins. CPLL treatment allowed the accessibility to proteolytic fragments obtained from major plasma proteins. We found a large superiority of the CPLL approach over the albumin and IgG depletion process. These findings show the utility of depleting major blood proteins to be able to access low-abundance proteins and the potential of CPLL to select and identify candidate biomarkers in clinical studies.