The usefulness of the new "double-catheter technique" in the treatment of parent artery incorporated wide-necked aneurysm with guglielmi detachable coils. Technical notes

Interv Neuroradiol. 2000 Mar 30;6(1):61-4. doi: 10.1177/159101990000600107. Epub 2001 May 15.


We describe a technique used to treat a widenecked aneurysm in which the neck is incorporated with the parent artery. The patient was a 54-year-old woman who had suffered a grade III subarachnoid haemorrhage. Angiogram and three-dimensional CT showed a large, widenecked aneurysm of the basilar bifurcation area with the right posterior cerebral artery incorporated in the aneurysm sac. A microcatheter was placed in the right posterior cerebral artery (PCA). Another catheter was placed within the aneurysm lumen. When making a first frame with a GDC, we made sure that the frame of the coil did not overlap the PCA positioned microcatheter. Then, with the microcatheter positioned at the PCA, the angiogram was done. The flow pattern and dye-disappearance time were checked. Subsequent coils were introduced, but not beyond the frame of the first coil to maintain PCA flow. This new "double-catheter technique" represents a viable option for treating wide-necked aneurysms, especially when the parent artery is incorporated in a wide-necked aneurysm and the delineation of the parent artery is impossible.