We describe here a new case of therapy-related acute leukemia with t(1;21)(p36;q22). A 25-year-old man was admitted because of anemia and thrombocytopenia. Four years before, he had received combination chemotherapy including etoposide for seminoma. Bone marrow was hypercellular, with 49% myeloperoxidase (MPO) staining-negative blasts. Chromosome analysis showed 46,XY,t(1;21)(p36.3;q22)[11]/49,sl,+8,+16,+20[9]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that RUNX1 signals at 21q22 were split onto the der(1)t(1;21) and der(21)t(1;21). Immunophenotypic analyses revealed that blasts were positive for CD19, CD79a, and cytCD22, as well as MPO, CD13, and CD33, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of mixed phenotype acute leukemia, B/myeloid. The patient died of disease progression after 10 months. Thus, acute leukemia with t(1;21) and RUNX1 rearrangement could be associated with B/myeloid mixed phenotype as well as previous topoisomerase II inhibitor therapy and poor prognoses.
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