We present a study of the optical properties of three-armed square nanospirals made of silver and realized as nanostructured thin films with Glancing Angle Deposition. Calculation of current flows in the nanospirals show excited resonant modes resembling those observed in U-shaped resonators. Four principal resonances were determined: near 200 THz and 480 THz for one polarization and 250 THz and 650 THz for the polarization orthogonal to the first one. In particular, a mode with anti-parallel current flow in opposite arms, associated with the observed resonance near 650 THz, indicates the existence of a magnetic-like resonance in the square nanospiral arrays. The robustness of the resonances against variations in the structural parameters of the nanospirals was investigated. This study revealed that the main parameter driving the position of the resonances was the overall dimension of the nanospiral, directly related to the length of their arms. Optical properties of a sample were measured by generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry at near-normal incidence, and evidence conversion between polarization states even for light polarized in the plane containing one of the arms in agreement with the numerical study. The measurements compared favorably to the results of the numerical simulations taking into account the disorder in the sample.