Objective: Benign symmetrical lipomatosis (BSL) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of multiple, symmetric and nonencapsulated fat masses. Alcoholism is observed in nearly 90% patients. However the etiology of this disease is still unclarified. BSL is very rare in Chinese people. Herein we described the endocrine and metabolic status of a patient with typical BSL. We also discussed the clinical manifestation, etiology, diagnosis and treatment for BSL.
Results: Hyperuricemia and abnormal liver enzyme levels were observed in this case. However insulin sensitivity and function of the thyroid, adrenal glands and pituitary were all normal. The insulin sensitivity was assessed by the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clam.
Conclusions: Although an association had been found between BSL and some endocrinological or metabolic disorders including abnormal glucose tolerance, excessive secretion of insulin, hyperuricemia, and so on, they were not specific for BSL. It is necessary to develop into the pathogenesis of BSL further.