Defining whether human circulating proangiogenic cells represent a subset of the hematopoietic system and express CD45 or are hematopoietic derivatives that do not express CD45 (and are called endothelial progenitor cells) remains controversial. We have previously developed a polychromatic flow cytometry (PFC) protocol to isolate subsets of hematopoietic cells and we now identify the circulating pool of CD34(+)CD45(dim) cells representing functional circulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (CHSPCs) that can be separated on the basis of AC133 expression and report that the AC133(+) subset of the CHSPCs enhances the growth of tumor blood vessels in vivo in immunodeficient mice. In addition, the ratio of AC133(+) proangiogenic CHSPCs to AC133(-) nonangiogenic CHSPCs unambiguously correlates with the severity of the clinical state of patients with peripheral arterial disease. In sum, a PFC protocol validated via in vitro and in vivo analyses, can be used to interrogate the roles of human hematopoietic elements in the growth and maintenance of the vasculature.