We report 31 cases of herpes zoster (HZ) with neurological complications: 14 with cranial nerve deficits, 1 with cranial nerve deficit associated with segmental motor disorder, 3 with segmental motor deficits, 2 with meningoencephalitis, 2 with meningoencephalitis associated with cranial neuropathy or myelitis, 2 with meningitis, 2 with hemiplegia contralateral to the ophthalmic HZ. 1 with hemiplegia and motor deficit and finally 1 with hemiplegia and a cranial neuropathy. Smoking was the putative risk factor in 53% of our patients together with diabetes, which has already been mentioned in the literature. We frequently observed more than one complication in succession (19.3%) that could not easily be related to the cutaneous distribution. Acyclovir had no demonstrable positive effects on neurological complication in our patients.