Whereas the majority of foreign bodies are managed endoscopically, complex objects, or those associated with significant injury, may require open removal. However, with the advent of newer, minimally invasive techniques, these objects can be successfully removed by using laparoscopic instruments. In this article, we describe our experience of using a single 5-mm laparoscopic port under pneumovesicum for removal of a knotted electric wire measuring 149 cm in length, with minimal invasiveness and avoidance of urethral injury. Using a cystoscope as the optical device through the urethra, a port can be introduced suprapubically. After insufflations of carbon dioxide at 12 mm Hg, the knotted electric cables were fragmented into several parts by laparoscopic scissor, then these parts were removed one by one. The optimal removal technique is dictated primarily by the nature of the foreign body. This case presents the feasibility of the pneumovesicum method in using a single laparoscopic port in cases of long, complex objects in the adult bladder.