This study is a part of STD prevalence study done in Gujarat amongst sex workers (SWs) of urban red light area during the year 2000. In the clinic specially set up in their area, after an informed consent from the participants, knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) questionnaire schedule was administered to 125 SWs; 2/3rds of them were below the age of 30 years, 81.5% had never gone to school and 76.6% of them had their first sexual intercourse before the age of 20 years. Majority of SWs. (83.1%) has joined the profession before the age of 25 years; 60.5% were having 3-5 sexual partners on an average; 94.4% reported using condom all the time during a sexual encounter; 91.9% of them had suggested the use of condom to their client themselves, and 79.8% of them made it sure by helping the client to put on the condom. Out of 29 SWs who had regular partners, 44.8% use condom all the times with their regular partner, 92% had never seen female condom; 85 to 90% were aware about various symptoms/diseases transmitted by unsafe sexual practice in male and female; 23.4% took treatment from the health workers for such problems; 87.9% SWs were aware that HIV is transmitted by unprotected sex with an infected partner and 88.7% were aware that consistent use of condom could protect her from HIV infection. However, they did not know other measures, 65.3% don't perceive the risk of getting HIV infection. Out of those 39 who perceived this risk, 48.7% attributed it to having many clients, 30.8% to irregular use of condom and only 2.6% to non-treatment of STD. Fifty-eight per cent are not aware about any behavioural change needed to reduce the risk.