Concern has increased about the resulting health effects of exposure to melamine and its metabolic contaminant, cyanuric acid, after infants in China were fed baby formula milk products contaminated with these compounds. We have developed a selective and sensitive analytical method to quantify the amount of cyanuric acid in human urine. The sample preparation involved extracting free-form cyanuric acid in human urine using anion exchange solid phase extraction. Cyanuric acid was separated from its urinary matrix components on the polymeric strong anion exchange analytical column; the analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using negative mode electrospray ionization interface. Quantification was performed using isotope dilution calibration covering the concentration range of 1.00-200ng/mL. The limit of detection was 0.60ng/mL and the relative standard deviations were 2.8-10.5% across the calibration range. The relative recovery of cyanuric acid was 100-104%. Our method is suitable to detect urinary concentrations of cyanuric acid caused by either environmental exposures or emerging poisoning events.
Published by Elsevier B.V.