The rapid technical advances in computed tomography have led to an increased number of clinical indications. Unfortunately, at the same time the radiation exposure to the population has also increased due to the increased total number of CT examinations. In the last few years various publications have demonstrated the feasibility of radiation dose reduction for CT examinations with no compromise in image quality and loss in interpretation accuracy. The majority of the proposed methods for dose optimization are easy to apply and are independent of the detector array configuration. This article reviews indication-dependent principles (e.g. application of reduced tube voltage for CT angiography, selection of the collimation and the pitch, reducing the total number of imaging series, lowering the tube voltage and tube current for non-contrast CT scans), manufacturer-dependent principles (e.g. accurate application of automatic modulation of tube current, use of adaptive image noise filter and use of iterative image reconstruction) and general principles (e.g. appropriate patient-centering in the gantry, avoiding over-ranging of the CT scan, lowering the tube voltage and tube current for survey CT scans) which lead to radiation dose reduction.