Relationships among feeding paradigm (single diet vs food selection) and arterio-venous differences (delta AV) of glucose, insulin and tryptophan were studied by measuring the temporal patterns of food intake and plasma parameters during 8 hr feeding cycles in rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were offered a single diet of fixed composition (20% casein) or a choice between two isocaloric diets (0% and 60% casein) for 2 weeks under 8-hr daily feeding conditions, food being offered during the dark cycle. Groups of animals were then killed at the beginning and at 2-hourly intervals throughout the feeding period. With both feeding paradigms, rats showed temporal patterns of energy, carbohydrate and protein intakes with a peak at the beginning and a trough at the end of the feeding period. However, in rats offered a dietary choice the intake of carbohydrate was significantly lower, and the intakes of energy and protein significantly higher than those found in rats offered a single diet. Throughout the feeding period, these differences between single and choice diets became less accentuated in the case of carbohydrate intake, but more accentuated for energy and protein intakes. Paradoxically, rats fed a choice of diets had a significantly lower weight gain than rats fed a single diet. The temporal variation of insulin secretion and tryptophan absorption varied inversely with the two diet paradigms. Moreover, in rats offered a choice of diets, macronutrient intake was significantly correlated with insulin secretion and venous glucose concentration. The opposed physiologic and metabolic responses to the feeding paradigms suggest the need for future studies to examine the possibility that such can function as synchronizers of biological rhythms.