This work comparatively evaluates the results of therapy for CIN (in terms of recovery persistence and relapse) in 362 women submitted to electrocauterization, laser vaporization, laser conization, diathermy loop conization, cold knife conization, from January 1980 to December 1989. Parameters as age, CIN grade, time elapsed between diagnosis and therapy, contraceptive exposition, have been considered. The results show a slight difference in the persistence and relapse rates between conization globally considered (traditional, laser, loop) and local surgery (cauterization, laser) in favour of the latter. Nevertheless the difference was too little to suggest abandoning one treatment in favour of the others. Moreover this work indicates that the results of therapy are independent from the type of contraceptive used. Furthermore, the finding of relapses during follow up only in CIN grade 2 indicates that this grade of CIN must be considered at risk, requesting adequate consideration and follow up.