Tuberculin test with PPD RT-23 with Tween 80 (2 TU strength), was performed to 228 infants under two years of age. None of them had any history of contact with tuberculosis. All were healthy, well-nourished infants, and had been vaccinated with BCG at birth. A positive PPD reaction (greater than 6 mm), was found only in 8.8%, of them and 16.2% had no BCG scar on examination; 14.9% of the studied infants had negative PPD (0-5 mm) reactions together with absent BCG scars. These findings are significantly different from those previously reported by chilean authors, which showed higher proportion of positive (greater than = 6 mm) reaction to 2 TU PPD in infants from similar populations that had been vaccinated with different BCG preparations than our patients. These results suggest the need to evaluate the efficacy of the BCG vaccines that are currently being used in our country to determine the factors that may affect it and the protection that they afford.