Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the point prevalence of malnutrition and the targeting of nutritional interventions in relation to undernutrition risk before and after an intervention.
Background: Malnutrition risk and the precision in targeting nutritional treatment are indicators of quality of care. Knowledge regarding the in-hospital prevalence of malnutrition and nutritional treatment is meagre for Iceland.
Design: Pre- and postintervention study.
Methods: The study was performed during one day in 2006 (March) and one day in 2007 (April). In total, 95 (89%) and 92 (88%) patients agreed to participate. Moderate/high undernutrition risk was defined as the occurrence of at least two of the following: involuntary weight loss, body mass index below limit and eating difficulties according to Minimal Eating Observation Form - Version II. Being overweight was graded based on body mass index. Specific nutritional care actions were recorded.
Intervention: A five-point programme for nutrition and eating was implemented.
Results: Moderate/high risk for undernutrition was found in 25 and 17% in the two years (ns, not significant). A high body mass index was found in 53 and 54% (ns). The number of patients with a documented body mass index significantly increased between the two surveys (1 and 30%, p-value <0·0005). The use of oral supplements increased from 11-40% (p<0·0005) and especially among those at no/low undernutrition risk, with ingestion or deglutition difficulties (p<0·0005 in both cases) but not among those with appetite and energy problems (ns).
Conclusion: Implementing a nutritional programme does not necessarily affect the number of in-patients with malnutrition, but it is likely to increase the precision of nutritional care to some extent.
Relevance to clinical practice: Greater efforts need to be taken to increase the precision of nutritional care among patients at moderate/high undernutrition risk and among those with appetite and energy problems.
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.