Studies on the dimensionality of the therapeutic alliance had been conducted by Hatcher et al. factor-analyzing three widely used alliance measures (Helping Alliance Questionnaire, Working Alliance Inventory, California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales) and proposing two additional dimensions (on affects and interpersonal aspects). The present study intended to construct an economic German patient questionnaire on the basis of this preliminary work, which represents relevant dimensions of the therapeutic alliance in an economic way. 36 items, purposed by Hatcher et al. were translated into German. They have been examined by confirmative factor analysis (sample 1: N=301 psychotherapy patients). As a result of further factor analysis, the "Skala Therapeutische Allianz - Revised STA-R" was developed. The 17-items questionnaire has 4 scales: "Confident Collaboration", "Bond", "Patient Fear" and "Therapist Interference", which correspond to Hatcher et al. The latter scales have not yet been considered in German questionnaires. A confirmatory factor analysis with sample 2 (N=427 patients) showed a good model fit with these factors, too. Correlations of the therapeutic alliance at the end of the treatment with change in symptom load (SCL-90-R) proved to be significant (rSTA-R, GSI=0.43**).
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