Yb:YCOB is a very attractive material for femtosecond pulse generation given its broad emission bandwidth. We demonstrate continuous-wave power scaling in the thin disk geometry to the 100-W level with a 40% optical-to-optical efficiency in multi-mode operation. Furthermore, we present initial modelocking results in the thin disk geometry, achieving pulse durations as short as 270 fs. The modelocked average power is, however, limited to less than 5 W because of transverse mode degradation. This is caused by anisotropic thermal aberrations in the 15% Yb-doped thin disks which were 300 to 400 µm thick. This result confirms the potential of Yb:YCOB to generate short femtosecond pulses in the thin disk geometry but also makes clear that significantly thinner disks are required to overcome the thermal limitations for high power operation.