There is relatively little research examining motives for nonmedical use (NMU) of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications and predictors of motivation. We present results of a secondary analysis of an Internet-based epidemiological survey to explore the relationship between stimulant formulation and motivation for NMU of ADHD stimulant medications in a college-aged population. Demographic predictors of motivation to engage in NMU were also explored to investigate the potential correlates of recreational versus performance-enhancement motivations. Respondents scoring higher on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale were significantly more likely to engage in NMU of ADHD stimulant medications. Those using extended release (ER) stimulant formulations were less likely to endorse "staying awake" as a reason for NMU compared to those using immediate release (IR) stimulant formulations.
© American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.