Phospho3D is a database of three-dimensional (3D) structures of phosphorylation sites (P-sites) derived from the Phospho.ELM database, which also collects information on the residues surrounding the P-site in space (3D zones). The database also provides the results of a large-scale structural comparison of the 3D zones versus a representative dataset of structures, thus associating to each P-site a number of structurally similar sites. The new version of Phospho3D presents an 11-fold increase in the number of 3D sites and incorporates several additional features, including new structural descriptors, the possibility of selecting non-redundant sets of 3D structures and the availability for download of non-redundant sets of structurally annotated P-sites. Moreover, it features P3Dscan, a new functionality that allows the user to submit a protein structure and scan it against the 3D zones collected in the Phospho3D database. Phospho3D version 2.0 is available at: