Background: Limited literacy is associated with a nearly twofold increase in mortality in older patients.
Aims: The aim was to assess the readability level of patient information leaflets in Ireland.
Methods: The SMOG formula is a validated tool to assess readability of text, providing an estimate of the years of education needed to understand a piece of writing. We evaluated 45 common patient information leaflets for older people, and compared them to newspapers.
Results: The mean readability level of the patient education leaflets was 12.57 (range 9.4-16.33). The mean readability level of broadsheet newspapers was 12. A majority of patient education materials are written at an excessively high readability level.
Conclusion: Patient education information should be aimed at an appropriate level for the target audience. This is of particular relevance in the older population, who are at a higher risk of inadequate or marginal health literacy.