Objective: Prospective memory (PM) describes the ability to fulfill previously planned intentions and is highly dependent on executive functions. Previous studies have shown deficits in executive functions in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and in their unaffected siblings. JME has a strong genetic predisposition and it is hypothesized that cognitive deficits are also genetically determined. The present study aimed at investigating potential differences in PM between patients with JME, their siblings, and healthy controls.
Methods: Nineteen patients with JME, 21 siblings, and 21 healthy controls were examined with a complex PM paradigm allowing us to evaluate the different phases of PM (i.e., intention formation, intention retention, intention initiation, intention execution).
Results: Patients with JME and siblings showed specific deficits during intention formation and intention execution of PM. Patients with JME were more impaired than both siblings and healthy controls. Correlation analysis revealed an influence of planning on prospective memory abilities in patients with JME.
Conclusion: The results of this study support the hypothesis of frontal dysfunctions being part of the epileptic syndrome and therefore genetically determined. As in this study patients with JME are more severely cognitively impaired than their siblings, additional influencing factors, such as side effects of anticonvulsants or cognitive effects of subclinical epileptic discharges, might contribute to patients' performance.