Poisoning by smoke is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in fires. Smoke is a mixture of carbonaceous particles suspended in hot air and toxic gases. Of these, carbon monoxide (CO) and primarily hydrocyanic acid (CNH), are those that provoke tissue anoxia. The clinical manifestations of smoke poisoning are variables. Some of the potential manifestations could be: eye irritation, sore throat, laryngeal stridor, dysphagia, carbonaceous sputum, cough, dyspnea, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, coronary syndrome, coma, hypoxemia, lactic acidosis, cyanosis and death. In the assessment of these patients the presence of soot in the nose, mouth or sputum suggests serious poisoning. Lactate levels higher than 10mmol/L indicates levels of cyanide major than 40micromole/L. The pulse co-oximetry has assumed an important step forward for the diagnosis, appraisal and monitoring of these patients. In the treatment it will be essential to assess the need of an early intubation. The administration of oxygen to the 100% will be essential. As an antidote to the cyanide, the first-choice is the hydroxocobalamin. Its administration has to be early. Its administration criteria are: patient who has inhaled smoke (remnants of soot in the mouth, pharynx or sputum) and has neurological disorder (confusion, coma, agitation, seizures) and also presents one of the following circumstances: bradypnea, respiratory arrest, cardiorespiratory arrest, shock, hypotension, lactate ≥8mmol/L or lactic acidosis. Logically, the rest of the management will be conventional depending on symptoms or complications.
2010 Elsevier España, S.L. y SEMICYUC. All rights reserved.