Electron-trapping materials and electron-beam-addressed electron-trapping material devices: an improved model

Appl Opt. 1995 Aug 10;34(23):5188-98. doi: 10.1364/AO.34.005188.


An improved model governing the dynamics of electron-trapping materials (ETM's) under simultaneous illumination of blue and IR light is developed. The new model takes into account previously neglected effects, such as electron-trap-density saturation and dependence of electron-trapping efficiency on the existing level of trapped-electron density. Inclusion of both effects in a model is vitally important for effective use of ETM's in optoelectronic neurocomputing with pulsating neurons. Experimental verification of the new model is given. General issues of addressing ETM's with an electron beam are also studied, and a general design equation for electron-beam-addressed ETM devices is developed. In particular, two electron-beam-addressed ETM devices that are of special interest, the field-emission microcathode ETM spatial light modulator and the ETM-based image intensifier, are presented.