Ophiobolins are sesterterpene-type phytotoxins produced by fungi belonging mainly to the genus Bipolaris. In this study, the antifungal effect of ophiobolins A and B on different zygomycetes has been examined. Depending on the zygomycete tested, MIC values of 3.175-50 μg mL(-1) were found for ophiobolin A and 25-50 μg mL(-1) for ophiobolin B. Ophiobolin A inhibited sporangiospore germination of Mucor circinelloides and caused morphological changes; the fungus formed degenerated, thick or swollen cells with septa. Cytoplasm effusions from the damaged cells were also observed. Fluorescence microscopy after annexin and propidium iodide staining of the treated cells suggested that the drug induced an apoptosis-like cell death process in the fungus.
© 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.