The cytokinins regulate a broad range of plant developmental events. We recently reported that the homeodomain transcription factor STIMPY (STIP) positively mediates the cytokinin signals in maintaining proliferative and pluoripotent properties of the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis. In line with our proposed model, light-grown stip seedlings are less sensitive to the growth inhibition effect of the exogenously applied cytokinins than wild type. Here we investigate STIP's role in cytokinin signaling in dark-grown seedlings, in which elevated cytokinin levels promote photomorphogenesis. We found that stip mutants show enhanced deetiolation phenotype in response to cytokinin treatment in the dark, suggesting that STIP may be a negative regulator of cytokinin signaling under this condition. We discuss possible explanations for this observed developmental stage-specific function of STIP.