The slow turnaround time for Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility results is a barrier to care. We developed a rapid quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility test that utilizes amplification of the M. tuberculosis 16S rRNA gene after 3 days of incubation with antituberculosis drugs. To decrease background from killed organisms, we used propidium monoazide (PMA), a DNA-binding dye that penetrates damaged bacterial cells and renders DNA unamplifiable. M. tuberculosis was cultured in broth media containing PMA with or without drugs for 3 days prior to DNA extraction and real-time PCR amplification. 16S rRNA qPCR exhibited a significant decrease in threshold cycle (C(T)) time values (C(T) control - C(T) drug treated) with drug-susceptible strains compared with resistant strains. Susceptibility data were reported as ΔCT or as 2(Δ)(CT) and with appropriate cutoffs yielded an accuracy of 89 to 100% on 38 susceptible, multidrug-resistant, and extensively drug-resistant strains compared with conventional agar proportion susceptibility results for isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, streptomycin, amikacin, kanamycin, capreomycin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid, linezolid, and cycloserine and compared with Bactec MGIT results for pyrazinamide. This PMA-qPCR assay is useful as a rapid 3-day first- and second-line drug susceptibility test for M. tuberculosis.