Deamination of 5-methylcytosine to thymine creates mutagenic G · T mispairs, contributing to cancer and genetic disease. Thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) removes thymine from these G · T lesions, and follow-on base excision repair yields a G · C pair. A previous crystal structure revealed TDG (catalytic domain) bound to abasic DNA product in a 2:1 complex, one subunit at the abasic site and the other bound to undamaged DNA. Biochemical studies showed TDG can bind abasic DNA with 1:1 or 2:1 stoichiometry, but the dissociation constants were unknown, as was the stoichiometry and affinity for binding substrates and undamaged DNA. We showed that 2:1 binding is dispensable for G · U activity, but its role in G · T repair was unknown. Using equilibrium binding anisotropy experiments, we show that a single TDG subunit binds very tightly to G · U mispairs and abasic (G · AP) sites, and somewhat less tightly G · T mispairs. Kinetics experiments show 1:1 binding provides full G · T activity. TDG binds undamaged CpG sites with remarkable affinity, modestly weaker than G · T mispairs, and exhibits substantial affinity for nonspecific DNA. While 2:1 binding is observed for large excess TDG concentrations, our findings indicate that a single TDG subunit is fully capable of locating and processing G · U or G · T lesions.