Introduction: Hernia is a common problem in general surgery practice. Incisional hernia can develop in 15-25% patients after abdominal surgery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the complications of hernia surgery.
Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of database of surgery department from January 2003 to April 2009 has involved 84 patients who were treated in laparoscopy at the General Surgery and Oncology Department of Catania University. Sixty-three cases were incisional hernia, 21 primitive ventral hernia. In 51 cases (64.5%) the Dual Mesh were applied and in 28 (35.4%) the Bard Composix Mesh. Postoperatory complications were classified in early and late ones, respectively according to their occurrence before or after 30 days from surgery. Clinical follow ups were performed at one month and thereafter at quarterly intervals for the first year and then annually.
Results: Among the early complications we found that patients treated with the Dual Mesh had an incidence of seroma, 8.9% versus 7.8% if compared to those treated with the Bard Composix. Insignificant was the impact of other early complications related to both types of mesh. Some influence in the onset of complications is BMI, in fact the average of complicated cases were 29.5%, while uncomplicated ones were lower: 25 (p < 0.05).
Discussion: In our study we looked at early and late complications that can follow laparoscopic treatment of the parietal defects. We have not found statistically significant differences between the two types of implants, which are nevertheless among the early seroma complications which are found to be more frequent in cases treated with the Dual Mesh.
Conclusion: During this study we observed a higher incidence of seroma and recurrence in cases treated with Dual Mesh in agreement with data reported in literature.