A Case of Bladder Cancer Found during a Workup for Urge Incontinence

Int Neurourol J. 2010 Aug;14(2):130-2. doi: 10.5213/inj.2010.14.2.130. Epub 2010 Aug 31.


Irritative urinary symptoms may suggest the possibility of bladder cancer. We report a case of metastatic bladder cancer that was discovered during a workup for urge incontinence in a 65-year-old woman with a history of stomach cancer. She had a medical history of gastrectomy due to stomach cancer 4 years previously. The patient complained of urgency unresponsive to anticholinergic therapy. Cystoscopy revealed the presence of suspicious bladder mucosal lesions that were biopsied. The pathology was consistent with metastatic signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma. This case suggests that irritative urinary symptoms can be the first clinical manifestation in patients with bladder cancer.

Keywords: Bladder cancer; Stomach cancer; Urge incontinence.