Introduction: Portal vein embolization (PVE) is indicated in patients with insufficient liver remnants following liver resections for tumor disorders. Therefore, due to PVE, the number of primary operable patients is higher. Insufficient growth of the liver parenchyma or malignant progression remain the PVE cons.
Aim of the study: To date outcomes of PVE are assessed based on the authors' own experience and literature data. In particular, the authors focus on difficulties with PVE, i.e. its failures.
Methods: 40 patients (35 with colorectal carcinoma metastases, 2 with breast carcinoma metastases and one with ovarian carcinoma metastases, 2 with hepatocellular carcinoma) were indicated for PVE due to insufficient liver reserve following planned liver resection.
Results: Liver resections were completed in 22 subjects, 42.6 days (mean value) after PVE. In 14 (35%) subjects, the liver resection could not be performed (11x tumor progression, 3x insufficient liver tissue growth). In four subjects, only radiofrequency ablation was performed. At year one, two and three after the procedure, the survival rate is 83.7, 69.7 and 52.3% (resp.) of the subjects, while the survival rate following exploration and in unoperated subjects was 22.2% (25 subjects) (p < 0.001). A one-year, resp. two-year relapse--free survival rate was 30.3, resp. 7%.
Conclusion: PVE has become an established procedure in stage liver procedures, due to its potential to facilitate operability of primary and secondary liver tumors. In order to improve the outcomes, attention must be paid to the post- PVE growth of the liver parenchyma and further assessment of oncological treatment approaches during the pre- and post- PVE period, with the aim to reduce liver and extra-liver malignant progression rates prior to the liver resection procedure.