Background: The emergency medical service (EMS) should work according to criteria of evidence-based medicine. In Germany the EMS of each state is under the control of at least one medical supervisor known as emergency medical directors (EMD) and most states have several different EMDs responsible for one or more provinces of the state. The German Medical Association advises these supervisors to specify the pharmacological resources in store for use in physician powered EMSs. This study examines the pharmacological resources in EMSs which is provided by the EMDs in Germany. Furthermore, a comparison of the inventory analysis of stored drugs was carried out with the requirements according to guidelines for selected tracer diagnoses.
Method: In the period of May 2008 to January 2009 a total of 148 EMDs were contacted and asked to supply drug storage lists for emergency physician-staffed rescue vehicles in their respective jurisdiction. The addresses of all EMDs who could be identified by the federal office of the National Association of Emergency Medical Director, Germany were used over the period. The evaluation was conducted anonymously. The tracer diagnoses "cardiopulmonary resuscitation", "acute coronary syndrome", "status generalized tonic-clonic seizure," "severe asthma attack", "acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "supraventricular tachycardia", "severe brain trauma" and "acute heart failure with signs of hypoperfusion" were selected. Current and established guidelines have been identified with the homepage of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and supported by the leading European and International guidelines.
Results: The corresponding lists were returned by 95 different emergency service areas (response rate 64.2%). With a total of 39 groups of substances 142 different drugs could be identified, an average of 54±9.6 and median 55 (range 31-77). Listed are agents giving the provision in percent, for which the comparison with guidelines for tracer diagnoses could show deficits: sodium bicarbonate 75.8%, calcium 50.5%, magnesium 45.3%, noradrenaline 65.3%, adenosine 58.9%, dobutamine 57.9%, lorazepam iv 13.7%, salbutamol 41.1%, ipratropium bromide 13.7% (the last two as liquid preparations for inhalation). With a frequency of about 30-80%, depending on the respective tracer diagnosis, no medical emergency treatment according to the highest level of evidence is possible.
Conclusion: Due to recent treatment recommendations provision with sodium bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, noradrenaline, adenosine, lorazepam iv, dobutamine and as well with ipratropium bromide and salbutamol (both as liquid preparations for inhalation) should be improved. For the future, a federal uniform minimum standard due to evidence-based principles is desirable.