We present herein a case of a young female with congenital combined coagulation factor VII (FVII) and factor II (FII) deficiencies. She was completely asymptomatic and found to have a prolonged prothrombin time during a routine preoperative evaluation. Low levels of plasma FVII and FII in the absence of an inhibitor confirmed the diagnosis in our patient. Congenital combined FVII and FIX deficiency as well as combined FVII and FX deficiency have been previously reported. The congenital combined deficiency of FVII and FII in our patient is exceptional and represents the first such instance in the English literature. Furthermore, we hypothesize that she had not shown any bleeding manifestations because of possible compensation for the missing factors II and VII by enhanced activity of some intrinsic coagulation pathway components or depression of fibrinolysis.