Multiport laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) is considered the "gold standard" for the management of surgical diseases in normal or slightly enlarged spleens. The concept of minimal-invasive surgical techniques has progressed since the early 1990s from standard multiport laparoscopy to natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and, more recently, to single-port access (SPA). In this paper, we describe our technique for SPA splenectomy and provide a critical review of the current literature on SPA for splenic diseases.Preliminary results published to date indicate that the spleen can be safely removed using single-incision surgery and all the authors have unanimously endorsed the feasibility of this approach. However, available evidence is still scarce. It is based only on case reports and one small series, with a total of 17 patents and, therefore, firm conclusions cannot yet be drawn and more experience and comparative trials are needed to determine the exact role of this interesting new approach.
Keywords: Endoscopic surgery; literature review; single-port access; splenectomy; surgical technique.