Complexity in the temporal organization of neural systems may be a reflection of the diversity of their neural constituents. These constituents, excitatory and inhibitory neurons, comprise a well-defined ratio in vivo and form the substrate for rhythmic oscillatory activity. To begin to elucidate the dynamical implications that underlie this balance, we construct neural circuits not ordinarily found in nature and study the resulting temporal patterns. We culture several networks of neurons composed of varying fractions of excitatory and inhibitory cells and use a multielectrode array to study their temporal dynamics as this balance is modulated. We use the electrode burst as the temporal imprimatur to signify the presence of network activity. Burst durations, interburst intervals, and the number of spikes participating within a burst are used to illustrate the vivid differences in the temporal organization between the various cultured networks. When the network consists largely of excitatory neurons, no network temporal structure is apparent. However, the addition of inhibitory neurons evokes a temporal order. Calculation of the temporal autocorrelation shows that when the number of inhibitory neurons is a major fraction of the network, a striking network pattern materializes when none was previously present.