Determination of the quantum contribution to the activated motion of hydrogen on a metal surface: H/Pt(111)

Phys Rev Lett. 2010 Sep 24;105(13):136101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.136101. Epub 2010 Sep 23.


Measurements of the atomic-scale motion of H and D atoms on the Pt(111) surface, above the crossover temperature to deep tunneling, are presented. The results indicate that quantum effects are significant up to the highest temperature studied (250 K). The motion is shown to correspond to nearest neighbor hopping diffusion on a well defined fcc (111) lattice. The measurements provide information on the adiabatic potential of both the adsorption site and the transition state and give strong empirical support for a dissipative transition-state theory description of the quantum contribution to the motion.