Viral microRNAs regulate gene expression using either translational repression or mRNA cleavage and decay. Two microRNAs from infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), iltv-miR-I5 and iltv-miR-I6, map antisense to the ICP4 gene. Post-transcriptional repression by these microRNAs was tested against a portion of the ICP4 coding sequence cloned downstream of firefly luciferase. Luciferase activity was downregulated by approximately 60% with the iltv-miR-I5 mimic. Addition of an iltv-miR-I5 antagomiR or mutagenesis of the target seed sequence alleviated this effect. The iltv-miR-I5 mimic, when co-transfected with a plasmid expressing ICP4, reduced ICP4 transcript levels by approximately 50%, and inhibition was relieved by an iltv-miR-I5 antagomiR. In infected cells, iltv-miR-I5 mediated cleavage at the canonical site, as indicated by modified RACE analysis. Thus, in this system, iltv-miR-I5 decreased ILTV ICP4 mRNA levels via transcript cleavage and degradation. Downregulation of ICP4 could impact the balance between the lytic and latent states of the virus in vivo.
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