Aims: To evaluate treatment satisfaction before and after starting biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) in the IMPROVE study Japan using the Diabetes Medication Satisfaction (DiabMedSat) questionnaire.
Methods: The DiabMedSat questionnaire assesses overall satisfaction with drug therapy for diabetes treatment in three domains: burden, efficacy and symptoms. Patients previously treated by oral anti-diabetic drugs in the IMPROVE study Japan answered the DiabMedSat questionnaires at baseline (week 0) and week 26 after starting BIAsp 30 treatment.
Results: The mean scores for each domain at weeks 0 and 26, respectively, were: burden, 64.5 and 67.5 (p = 0.041); efficacy, 55.0 and 61.5 (p < 0.001); and symptoms, 70.9 and 68.1 (p = 0.049). The overall scores were 63.4 and 65.6, respectively (p = 0.079). With regard to burden, bothersome aspects were significantly improved with BIAsp 30 treatment at week 26, compared with treatment with oral anti-diabetic drugs at week 0. Major hypoglycemic episodes were very rare; most hypoglycemic events were minor and occurred during the daytime.
Conclusions: The study results indicate that BIAsp 30 does not adversely affect QOL in Japanese patients at insulin initiation.