The influence of preoperative internal biliary drainage and various types of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on the healing of a colon anastomosis in 50 jaundiced rats was investigated. Jaundice was induced by division and ligation of the common bile duct. After 5 days a colon anastomosis was made. Ten days thereafter the bursting pressure of the anastomosis was measured as an assessment of wound healing. Bursting pressures were significantly lower in jaundiced rats compared with a sham-operated nonjaundiced group. Preoperative internal biliary drainage significantly improved bursting pressure (p less than 0.001) as did preoperative TPN (p less than 0.001). In the second part of the study the influence of four different feeding solutions on the healing of a colon anastomosis was tested. Solutions with and without 20% fat emulsion and a solution with branched-chain amino acids were tested as well as glucose only. No significant differences were observed among these four groups on the parameters tested.