Vibrational spectroscopy techniques have shown capacity to provide non-destructive, rapid, relevant information on microbial systematics, useful for classification and identification. Infrared spectroscopy enables the biochemical signatures from microbiological structures to be extracted and analyzed, in conjunction with advanced chemometrics. In addition, a number of recent studies have shown that Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy can help understand the molecular basis of events such as the adaptive tolerance responses expressed by bacteria when exposed to stress conditions in the environment (e.g. those that cells confront in food and during food processing). The current review gives an overview of the published experimental techniques, data-processing algorithms and approaches used in FT-IR spectroscopy to assess the mechanisms of bacterial inactivation by food processing technologies and antimicrobial compounds, to monitor the spore and membrane properties of foodborne pathogens in changing environments, to detect stress-injured microorganisms in food-related environments, to assess dynamic changes in bacterial populations, and to study bacterial tolerance responses.
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