Introduction: Fibrous dysplasia is a bone disease that is usually accompanied by asymptomatic lesions but which may sometimes display neurological manifestations due to the involvement of the craniofacial bones.
Case report: A 25-year-old female, with a history of migraines, who visited at the age of 18 due to pain in the right retro-ocular and maxillary region, although with characteristics that were unlike those of her usual migraines, and which was associated with ipsilateral ophthalmoparesis. The condition had a self-limiting course and responded well to corticoids, although it was recurring. Examination revealed intense pain on palpation of the right-hand maxillary sinus and incomplete paralysis of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve with palpebral ptosis. Results of complementary studies were normal, except for magnetic resonance imaging of the head and computerised axial tomography of the face, which revealed an expansive lesion with involvement of the right superior maxillary sinus and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, with probable compromise of the superior orbital fissure, consistent with the diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia, which was confirmed by means of a pathology study.
Conclusions: Fibrous dysplasia is a benign bone disorder, of unknown causation, in which normal bone tissue is replaced by amorphous conjunctive tissue. There is sometimes craniofacial involvement and a hypertrophic bone mass is formed which can fill the paranasal sinuses and the orbit, resulting in exophthalmus and visual disorders. To date the scientific literature does not include any reports of this disease manifesting as bouts of recurrent painful ophthalmoparesis which responds to corticoids, as happened in the case of our patient.