This study looks at the delivery of the Family-Nurse Partnership (FNP) in England with interpreters. This home-visiting programme for vulnerable, young first-time mothers is known in the USA as the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP). FNP is manualised with a number of fidelity targets and stretch objectives. This study covers the first two phases, pregnancy and infancy (up to 12 months). The programme relies on the development of a close nurse-client relationship. Interpreters can be a barrier for therapeutic work with vulnerable groups. The aims are to determine from quantitative and qualitative data whether the FNP programme can be delivered with fidelity in the presence of an interpreter and to explore issues concerned with the impact of interpreters on relationships. Statistical comparisons were made of delivery objectives over 2 years, from April 2007 to February 2009, in the 10 sites in England, spread across all nine Government Office Regions providing FNP. Forty-three clients had an interpreter at some point and 1261 did not. Qualitative interviews were conducted between April and May 2009 with 30 stakeholders (nurses, clients, interpreters). In relation to quantitative indicators, the percentage of planned content covered in visits was lower with interpreters (pregnancy 90% vs. 94%; infancy 88% vs. 93%) and both understanding and involvement of clients, as judged by nurses on 5-point scales, were lower (understanding, pregnancy 4.3 vs. 4.6, infancy 3.8 vs. 4.5; involvement, pregnancy 4.4 vs. 4.7, infancy 3.7 vs. 4.5). The interpreter was not thought by nurses to impede the development of a collaborative client-nurse relationship unless the interpreter and client became too close, but some nurses and clients reported that they would rather manage without an interpreter. Some stress was noted for nurses delivering the programme with an interpreter. More research is needed to determine the extent to which interpreters accurately convey the programme's strength-based approach.
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