This report concerns the development of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in the Nordic countries from the start of 1981 to January 1, 1988. All the 24 clinics in the Nordic countries which treat infertile couples with IVF participated in the study. The number of IVF clinics in the Nordic countries has increased from four in 1981 to 24 in 1987. In the same period, the number of people who spent some of their professional time as a part of an IVF team increased from 17 to 150. The majority of the clinics (19) based their activity mainly on governmental funding, while five of the clinics were private. During the period from 1981 to 1987, the Nordic clinic changed their methods of oocyte retrieval. In 1981, all oocyte retrievals were done using laparoscopy. Transvesical, ultrasound-guided follicular punctures domainated in 1985 and transvaginal ultrasound-guided punctures were used in 81.5% of the retrievals in 1987. A total of 852 pregnancies were reported. Of these, 313 (36.8%) were miscarriages, including 66 (7.7%) ectopic pregnancies. At January 1, 1988, 433 babies had been born, including 48 sets of twins, 14 sets of triplets and two sets of quadruplets. This gave a multiple birth rate of 18.2%. Premature births (less than 36 weeks of gestation) were reported in 14.6% of the births. Five babies (1.1%) died in the neonatal period and five (1.1%) were born with various types of malformation. One hundred and eight-eight pregnancies were in progress at January 1, 1988.