We have the stage (or condition) of the tuberculous infection in a groups of 1,450 Schoolchildren aged between 6 and 13 years living in Madrid during the school-year 1988/89. For this we used the PPD-RT 23 tuberculin applying 2UT and considering as positive those reactions which were equal or greater 10mm. The prevalence of the tuberculous infection was 1.47% for children aged 6 years and acquire 4.3% for those aged 13 years with greater risk of 3.02 to acquire the infection in the children aged of thirteen in opposition with those of six years. There are no significant statistical significant statistical differences between boys and girls, nor between private and public colleges. We also found that the annual increment of the infection for the vaccinated-children was of 0.14%, while in no vaccinated it was of 0.64%, being of 0.41% for the whole group. The finally we emphasized the existence of a clear increment of the tuberculous infection related to age-group, being the risk of infection greater in no-vaccinated children aged of 13 and from the other part the necessity to amplify the time duration of this type of studies in order to calculate the RAI in Madrid.