It is imperative to prove efficacy of tailored interventions and translate the efficacious ones into clinical strategies for achieving good ART adherence. ART adherence among registered HIV/AIDS cases at HIV treatment centre, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad was assessed through RCT. Study duration was 10 weeks; eligible subjects (N = 76) were randomly halved; Intervention Group (IG) received trial interventions i.e. subject involvement, weekly phone reminders in addition to routine counselling, while Comparison group received routine counselling only. Self-reported adherence (SRA) questionnaire and pill identification test (PIT) conducted at both baseline and follow-up in addition to CD4 count and viral load. ITT using ANOVA; McNemar's test for variables with before-after assessments within a group. Results showed significant differences in ≥95% SRA, ≥95% Adherence on PIT, Viral load test of <50 copies per cubic mm. These interventions should be included in the overall treatment strategy for HIV/AIDS in Pakistan.