This study was carried out to determine Medical Faculty and School of Health student knowledge of and behavior regarding swine flu and vaccine. The study was carried out at Kahramanmaras Sutcuimam University School of Health among the medical faculty and students. All 296 students of the Kahramanmaras Sutcuimam University School of Health and 76 students of the Faculty of Medicine were supposed to participate in the study. Ninety-six point one percent of the students in the study know high fever was one of the symptoms of swine flu, 91.8% said it was spread directly by sneezing or coughing and 95.5% knew washing hands with soap and water especially after coughing and sneezing, should be done to reduce the.risk of infection. Sixty-five point four percent of students knew fatigue and body aches were adverse effects of the swine flu vaccine. Only 9.6% of students received the pandemic flu vaccine. Their knowledge regarding symptoms and methods of spread was low, but regarding measures taken for prevention was high. Both swine flu knowledge and vaccine knowledge were higher in those who received the flu vaccine than in those who did not receive it. In pandemic situations, training should be given immediately to medical, midwifery and nursing students who are models for society.