Portal vein embolization (PVE) is used to induce preoperative liver hypertrophy in patients with anticipated marginal future liver remnant (FLR) volumes who are otherwise potential candidates for resection. PVE can be performed utilizing the transhepatic contralateral and ipsilateral approaches. The transhepatic contralateral approach is the most commonly used technique worldwide, largely owing to its technical ease. However, the contralateral approach risks injuring the FLR, thereby compromising the planned surgical resection. The transhepatic ipsilateral approach offers a potentially safer alternative because the complications associated with this approach affect only the hepatic lobe that will be resected and are usually not serious enough to preclude surgery. This article discusses PVE using the transhepatic ipsilateral and contralateral approaches, including patient selection criteria, anatomical and technical considerations, and patient complications and outcomes.
Keywords: Portal vein embolization; liver cancer; liver hypertrophy; liver resection.