Introduction: Academic Leagues (Academic Interest Group) are entities that belong to medical schools and their hospitals. Their goals are research, medical education and health care. The cardiothoracic Surgery League (Liga de Cirurgia Cardiotorácica--LCCT), University of São Paulo Medical School, was founded 12 years ago, aimed at providing undergraduate medical students an opportunity to expand knowledge in cardiothoracic surgery and to take part in scientific studies in the field.
Objective: To evaluate the experience gained through LCCT implementation.
Methods: Current students and former members of LCCT were submitted to a specific evaluation form, delivered personally or by email, which provided data on the general opinion regarding LCCT's activities, the reasons for answers provided and choice of medical specialties. Furthermore, LCCT's total scientific production was evaluated.
Results: Most undergraduate medical students 51/65 (78.5%) and former members 94/121 (77.7%) completed the form. The interest in Cardiothoracic Surgery was the most common reason for joining LCCT 44/161 (27.3%). Most students 32/51 (62.7%)--reported their initial expectations were partially met. Almost every member would recommend a fellow medical student to join LCCT 50/51 (98%) and 25/51 (49%) of them participated in a scientific project linked to LCCT. In total, 47 scientific papers were published having LCCT's medical students as authors or co-authors during the existence of the league. Of the former members who chose a surgical career, 7/52 (13.4%) chose thoracic or cardiovascular surgery.
Conclusion: LCCT has met its goals, since most current and former members recognized its role in their medical training, besides it is a good way to produce scientific initiation.