Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare type of breast carcinoma with a good prognosis. It represents less than 0,1% of breast carcinomas. We present two cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma diagnosed in the Surgical Department of Coltea Hospital in the last 3 years. The first case is a 66 years old patient with a breast tumor that has clinical and imagistic features compatible with a benign diagnosis. The frozen sections established the diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma, confirmed by histopathologic examination of paraffin embedded tissue and immunohistochemistry. The second case is a 68 years old patient with a breast tumor located in the central quadrant of the left breast, with skin infiltration. Preoperatory fine needle aspiration is sugestive of a papillary tumor, so the cytologic exam cannot establish malignancy. The frozen sections established the diagnosis of ductal invasive carcinoma and histopathologic examination of paraffin embedded tissue and immunohistochemistry established the diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma associated with ductal invasive carcinoma grade I and adenomyoepitelioma. The cytology had a false papillary aspect, in fact there was amorphous material contained in pseudoluminal spaces. In both cases the treatment was surgical resection with tumor excision and free resection margins. In the second case lymphadenectomy was also performed.