Expression of CD34 on mature-appearing megakaryocytes can be seen in various intrinsic bone marrow (BM) disorders as well as reactive bone marrows. In this study we investigate the clinical significance of CD34+ megakaryocytes in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs). Expression of CD34 on megakaryocytes was assessed on BM biopsies obtained from 202 patients with MDS. High-level (≥20%) CD34 expression on megakaryocytes was found in BM of 29 patients (14%). The expression of CD34 on megakaryocytes is correlated with severe cytopenia, higher numbers of myeloblasts, more frequent and higher risk cytogenetic abnormalities, and a shorter overall survival. Multivariate analysis indicated that the expression of CD34 on megakaryocytes could be a strong and an independent poor prognostic factor in MDS, with a hazard ratio of 2.53.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.