The objective is to compare the IVF procedures in modified natural cycle outcomes according to serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels. We included in this retrospective study 342 patients undergoing their first IVF in modified natural cycle. Patients were regrouped in three groups according to their serum AMH level: group 1 was defined by patients with AMH level<0.97 ng/mL (<25th percentile), group 2, patients with AMH level between 0.97 ng/mL and 2.60 ng/mL (25-75th percentile), and group 3, patients with AMH level between 2.61 ng/mL and 6.99 ng/mL (>75th percentile). The main outcomes were cancellation rate, embryo transfer rate and clinical pregnancy rate, ongoing pregnancy rate and implantation rate. No difference has been observed on cancellation rate, embryo transfer rate, clinical pregnancy rate and implantation rate. The ongoing pregnancy rate per IVF cycle was respectively: 12.8±3.6% for AMH inferior to 0.97 ng/mL versus 12.5±2.5% for AMH between 0.97 to 2.60 ng/mL and 13.4±4.2% for AMH between 2.61 ng/mL and 6.99 ng/mL. In conclusion, IVF in modified natural cycles procedures should be considered as an option for patients with an altered ovarian reserve defined by a serum AMH inferior to 1 ng/mL. Serum AMH level seems a quantitative marker of the ovary but not a quality factor. Serum AMH level does not seem to be a prognostic factor for ongoing pregnancy rated in IVF modified cycles.
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